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Giving employees the value they deserve through fair evaluation

Human Resources
Our management approach is to give employees the value they deserve through fair evaluation, to create a happy and peaceful work environment, to highlight creativity by providing opportunities for employee development and to make this permanent.

Basic Principles

In Koza Security and Koza Support Services companies;

• Creating a work environment based on respect for the individual is one of the primary goals.

• Priority is given to practices that will ensure that all employees understand that they are responsible for respecting each other’s rights and dignity.

• All Human Resources processes such as recruitment, compensation, performance evaluation, training, and assignment are designed to provide equal opportunities among employees and not allow for any discrimination.

• Job applications are announced in a way that provides equal opportunities. The job application evaluation and recruitment process is carried out without discrimination based on thinking style, nationality, language, religion, ethnicity, and gender.

• The recruitment process has been developed based on the principle of the right person for the right job. Internal assignments and promotions are made based on performance.

Our Human Resources Policy

Since we are in direct interaction with people in all our projects, our top priority is for our team to have received the appropriate training and competence for the needs of the security sector.

We pay attention to the fact that our team members are compatible, stable, highly motivated, capable of participating in teamwork, sensitive, able to control their emotions even in the most extreme situations, energetic, trustworthy, caring about personal development, and able to withstand the stress load of the sector.

The issues we pay attention to in personnel selection are as follows:

  • Educated,
  • Clean Record,
  • Possess NecessaryDocuments,
  • Mastering the requirements of the job

Koza Group works to make a difference in the entire sector with team members who will maintain and increase our customer satisfaction.

Contact Us
You can send us your CV in Word or Pdf format by filling the required fields.